Blackboard Information and FAQs

New Student 远程教育 and Blackboard Information

欢迎来到奥古斯塔理工学院! 在你入学期间的某个时候,你将参加远程教育课程. 成绩, 作业, 公告, 大多数远程教育课程的其他课程信息将在Blackboard Den上.



  • 校园(CA) -大部分课时在校内上课,部分内容和作业使用Blackboard Den. 无需徽章.

  • 混合(提单) -课程在校园或在特定的时间在线上进行部分接触时间, but most teaching content and 作业 are asynchronous in Blackboard Den. 学生需要同时参加同步和异步部分. 徽章需要.

  • 在线异步(OA) -课程完全在线. There are no required live meetings. 截止日期为每周一次. Exams or other proctored 作业 will use webcams, 锁定浏览器, or other methods of verifying identity. 需要胸章.

  • 猫头鹰 -在线课程,如上所述,但学生可以选择每周参加一次讲座. 需要胸章.

  • 在线同步(OS) -课程完全在线. Live meetings are required on days and times scheduled in Banner. Exams or other proctored 作业 will use webcams, 锁定浏览器, or other methods of verifying identity. 需要胸章.

  • ECampus -在线课程, either synchronous or asynchronous as above, but through a different Blackboard link.

    徽章: Badge是一门培训课程,向学生介绍奥古斯塔理工学院在线课程使用的政策和技术. Badge takes 2-3 hours to complete. 徽章不收费. You must register for courses 之前 you can take Badge Training. You must complete Badge Training 之前 the first week of the semester ends. It is preferable if you complete Badge Training 之前 the semester starts. 

    To register for Badge, go to Blackboard Den and self enroll. Use your Smartweb user name and password to log in.


  • 确保你使用了正确的链接:Blackboard Den或eccampus(时间表示例如下:
  • Your courses will appear under Course List on the first day of class. ECampus course dates may vary: check your schedule.
  • You are responsible for protecting your privacy and academic security. Do 不 share passwords or personal identification information.

第一周: Log into Blackboard and get started right away. Do 不 wait for your instructor to contact you. 您需要提交每周作业以确定出勤率,以便继续世界杯app软件推荐在线课程。, so prompt attention is important.

删除/添加时间: If you add a course during drop/add period, email your instructor to let him or her know you are joining the class late. If you withdraw from a class and still see it in your Blackboard course list, 电子邮件distanceed@augustatech.把这门课撤下.

老师联系: 您可以通过电子邮件或在校园或网络会议上与教师预约来访问教师. 与老师保持联系对于成功完成远程教育课程是很重要的. 一旦你进入课程,你会找到你的导师的联系方式.

天天p作业: Online students are required to attend at least one proctored event, 比如期末考试, 对于每门课程. 学生必须在监考活动时向导师提供带照片的身份证件。. There are no additional fees associated with the identification process. 学生将在导师的校园内参加监考活动(仅限混合课程)。, 通过视频提交, 或者使用锁定浏览器. The Lockdown browser download will be available in the class. 学生 without download capabilities may use the library computers, 按照约定, for tests requiring Lockdown browser. Contact your instructor if you have a transient status. Transient students must complete the Proctoring Form located in their course. 学生将负责与外部监考地点相关的任何费用. 未提交监考作业的学生不符合在线课程及格的条件.

技术支持: If you are experiencing problems with Badge or Blackboard, 请在Blackboard登录页面填写帮助表格或访问成功中心

退出程序: Use Smartweb to drop the course. 继续在Smartweb中检查您的Banner时间表,以确保您已被撤回.

注意: Some online/hybrid courses use books that require an "Access Key.“这个访问密钥是 只有 可以使用 new books, or purchased directly from the publisher. 您有责任与您的在线课程的讲师核实,以确定该课程是否需要访问密钥. 请这样做 之前 you purchase your books for online/hybrid classes.
